
Your Health
Without our health we have nothing. But vibrant health is taken for granted, or more commonly, not experienced and so we go through life with less vitality than we should.Â
Any course that offers to help you with your sexuality, or any part of your life that requires effort, without first addressing your health is, in my opinion, assuming you are in perfect health or doesn’t understand the impact it can have on your sexuality and wellbeing.Â
Health is the foundation.Â
Every attempt that I have made to improve my life always started with improving my health. Without it, you won’t have the energy or the interest to improve anything, especially your libido, and/or focus on your sex life.Â
Women often struggle with their cycles, PMS, perimenopause, menopause and a plethora of chronic health conditions. While the issues related to female reproductive health and general health are common… they certainly aren’t normal… and can actually be easily resolved. And in doing so, would allow women to be their best selves, instead of being held back. As long as women have health issues, they are disempowered.

Your Libido
There are so many impediments between a woman and her sexuality… stress, anxiety, overwhelm, trauma, a lack of sexual knowledge, negative self-talk, sexual conditioning, shame, trust issues… and the list goes on. But if she’s got health issues as well, then, she’s really working at a disadvantage.
When a woman doesn’t feel good in her body, she tends to lose touch with herself, her pleasure and her intuition. She becomes numb. She stops feeling. She shuts down. She may even come to believe that her body is working against her (or worse, is told that) and lose trust in her body. This does nothing for her immune system, her body confidence or her overall self-esteem… all of which can impact her sexuality and general happiness in life.
Sexual health is affected by overall health. Your liver, adrenals and thyroid directly impact your sex hormones and major body functions. If those aren’t in good shape, you won’t be either.Â
But the very act of taking responsibility for your own health, taking better care of yourself, becoming your own health advocate and making the necessary changes to your diet and lifestyle, directly relate to improvement in all areas of your life, including your sex life.

Unprocessed honey in its raw, living form is nothing less than a miracle from God and the earth. Take a minute to think about what this wild food really is: nectar. It is liquid gold that can turn your life around.
Our immune systems are constantly adapting to whatever microorganisms we encounter— which is why raw honey, one of the most adaptogenic foods on the planet, produced by bees, one of the most adaptogenic beings on the planet, is so important for supporting immunity.
When you’re dealing with weakened immunity and feel like you’re extra susceptible to catching colds, flus, stomach bugs and food poisoning, raw honey assists your body in keeping a strong first line of defense by strengthening neutrophils and macrophages so they can fight off pathogens.
Trends that cut us off from honey (because they claim that honey is just pure sugar) go to show how disconnected we can really become.
Raw honey’s natural fructose and glucose are saturated with more than 200,000 undiscovered phytochemical compounds and agents, including pathogen-killers, phytochemicals that protect you from radiation damage, and anti-cancerous phytochemicals.
Honey is truly powerful medicine for our planet.
Honey’s highly absorbable sugar and B12 coenzymes make it one of the most powerful brain foods of our time.
Consuming honey prior to meditation strengthens the mind and brings about happy sensations throughout the body.
đź“–From the book: Life-Changing Foods by Anthony William

In this day and age, our livers are more burdened than ever before in history. With toxins in our environment and foods that stress our bodies, sluggish and fatty livers are becoming rampant.
Cherries are an amazing way to revitalize this organ; they’re the ultimate liver tonic, cleanser and rejuvenator. Cherries sharpen the mind by purifying the bowels. They’re better at alleviating constipation than prunes!
They cleanse the bladder, too, and help alleviate spastic bladders and bladder prolapse. Plus, cherries are one of the best endocrine-system-boosting foods, stimulating or suppressing the appetite as needed. If it’s weight loss you’re after, cherries are your new best friend.
Women receive particular benefit from cherries’ cleansing properties: cherries remove toxins from the uterus and the rest of the reproductive system and help to reduce fibroids and ovarian cysts.
Cherries are also a wonderful source of trace minerals such as zinc and iron.
TIP: when selecting red cherries at the market or grocery store, look for the darkest ones. These deeper shades have the most healing benefits. Fresh or frozen.
đź“–From the book: Life-Changing Foods by Anthony WilliamÂ
One of my favourite smoothies is what I refer to as Cherry Chaga. I combine bananas, frozen mango, frozen dark cherries, a handful of frozen raspberries and maple syrup with Chaga (mushroom) powder (from and fresh-squeezed orange juice in a blender. It’s delicious.

Aloe vera is famous for its soothing properties when applied on the outside of the body to burns, cuts, scrapes, bruises, bug bites, and most especially sunburn.
Taken internally though, fresh aloe has a much broader spectrum of potency. Aloe is wonderful for constipation.
Aloe vera is antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal (including anti-mold) and anti-parasitic.
It is incredibly useful for killing off the pathogens that create colon cancer, stomach cancer, and rectal cancer, as well as eliminating H. pylori and supporting the pancreas.
Aloe vera also possesses more than 70 trace minerals that work together with the phytochemical aloin to calm inflammation in the gut, which makes it a top aid for IBS, Crohn’s and colitis, and also rejuvenates the appendix.
And if you’re concerned that you’ve been exposed to radiation, turn to aloe— it has beta-carotene combined with lignins that remove radiation from the body.
If you’re dealing with dark under-eye circles, or if you’re unhappy with the state of your skin and want to get back a youthful glow, consume fresh aloe on a daily basis. Aloe actually helps skin more from the inside out.
Tip: Large, culinary aloe leaves are available from many grocery stores. One you take one home, cut off a four-inch section from the middle of the leaf (discard the base and top of the leaf) and fillet it, removing the green skin and scooping out the clear, gelatinous flesh. You can then eat the flesh as is, blend it with water, or add it to smoothies.
đź“–From the book: Life-Changing Foods by Anthony William

Turmeric is great for just about every aspect of our well-being. Famous for containing curcumin, a phytochemical with anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric is great for anything in the body that’s inflamed and causing pain, from nerves to joints to the brain.
Speaking of brain inflammation, many people walk around with undiagnosed mystery low-grade viral encephalitis, a swelling in the brain on such a minute scale that it’s not detectable by medical testing, though its symptoms are sometimes diagnosed as myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS).
Undiscovered encephalitis results in mystery pressure in the head, dizziness, deep headaches, blurry eyes that can’t be fixed with a glasses prescription, confusion, severe anxiety, and panic.
Turmeric is the ultimate antidote.
After a workout or any heavy labour, try to consume turmeric. It doesn’t matter in what form— whether as a spice on food, juiced, as tea, or as a supplement— just as long as you get some into your body.
Turmeric can shorten recovery time for muscles, ligaments, and joints after exercise, and it also acts as an anti-inflammatory for any minor injuries you might not have noticed that have the potential to turn into trouble otherwise.
Emotional support… turmeric is uplifting
For those who have trouble acknowledging their own self-worth, turmeric is ideal. If you find you downplay your contributions to projects or relationships, are constantly down on yourself, or have trouble accepting compliments, bring turmeric into your life to help you appreciate just what a valuable, shining human being you are, and all the positives you have to offer.
đź“–From the book: Life-Changing Foods by Anthony William

Rather than thinking of bananas as all sugar, we have to remind ourselves that bananas are made up of fiber, pulp, and water, too— and that their fruit sugar content is the very reason bananas have rich supplies of antioxidants, vitamins, and other phytonutrients to help us fight disease.
Bananas are a powerful antiviral food.
High in tryptophan, bananas can help soothe sleep disorders, create calm, reduce anxiety, and alleviate depression.
Bananas are also wonderful blood sugar stabilizers, have stress-assist phytochemicals to get you through your day, and help you balance your weight no matter where you are on the spectrum.
Bananas are the most powerful exercise food. Eating a banana before and after exercise can replenish the body more than any other food out there.
Tip: When a banana’s skin is still green, enzymes prevent absorption of any of the fruit’s nutrients. And an overripe banana with entirely brown or black skin contains fermented fruit. The safest point at which to eat a banana is when its skin is yellow, with brown speckles.
đź“–From the book: Life-Changing Foods by Anthony William

If you’re concerned about regulating blood sugar, turn to kiwis for support. Kiwis are an amazing food for diabetes, hypoglycemia, and hyperglycemia.
Whether your blood sugar levels are too low or too high, eating this fruit will bring you back to center as it simultaneously lowers fat in the bloodstream.
Imbalanced blood sugar levels also often tie into moodiness, OCD, depression, and difficulty controlling emotions. Because they offer a high-quality sugar source— bioavailable glucose— they feed the neurons in your brain and alleviate your distress.
Kiwis are also fantastic to help alleviate digestive disorders and discomfort, including acid reflux, gas, abdominal pain and bloating— conditions and symptoms that are often related to low hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
With over 40 trace minerals, kiwis are an excellent source of nourishment.
To feel the full effect of what this fruit can do for you, eat kiwi 3 times a day for 1 week. Think of it as an emotional, physical, and spiritual supplement, taking one at 9am, noon, and 3pm. For those 7 days, journal the changes that occur: the differences you feel, the epiphanies, and all the other revelations.
đź“–From the book: Life-Changing Foods by Anthony William

The apricot is an amazing food for rejuvenation. It’s high in amino acids such as cysteine and glutamine, as well as minerals such as selenium and magnesium in their most bioactive forms.
Apricots are B12-enhancing food, meaning they eliminate unhelpful elements in the digestive tract that get in the way of the body’s healthy B12 production. When you eat an apricot, the skin collects and destroys mold, yeast, unneeded Candida, and other detrimental fungus in the body.
Apricots are a warming food and an energy stabilizer that boost the growth of red blood cells, strengthen your heart, and nourish your brain. When your reserves are low from pushing yourself to the limit, turn to apricots— they’re a sensational life bring-back food.
Apricots are so energy-shifting, so transformative, that you only need to eat one to enjoy its benefits. When dealing with a health condition, though, try to consume 4 apricots daily for support and healing.
When apricots aren’t in season, sulfur-free dried apricots are an incredible alternative. Unlike many other fruits, when apricots are dried, the potassium actually increases.
đź“–From the book: Life-Changing Foods by Anthony William

Did you know that the pancreas takes much of the body’s stress?
And that we sometimes abuse the pancreas without even realizing it by eating a combination of fried foods, rich dishes, too much table sugar, or high-fat desserts?
Heartbreak, letdown, betrayal, and other forms of broken trust, as well as fear of any kind, are also hard on the pancreas.
For pancreas protection and stress assistance, we must turn to the pear.
Pears help rejuvenate this neglected and overtaxed gland, alleviating pancreatitis and helping to prevent pancreatic cancer.
Pears are also amazing for digestion.
They help to soothe the stomach and intestinal tract, they feed beneficial bacteria and starve and kill unproductive bacteria, parasites, and fungus.
Pears raise hydrochloric acid in the stomach and help reduce the bad acids produced by mucus and pathogens such as H.pylori. Pears also restore linings in the gut that have become damaged and calloused from bacteria.
The trace minerals and amino acids from pears lock onto poisons such as DDT and expel them from your system. Trace mineral salts make pear juice high in electrolytes, which stabilizes blood sugar.
Plus, pears are a great weight-loss food and heaven-sent for the liver, helping to cleanse and purify the organ.
Pears are best eaten between breakfast and lunch, or in the later afternoon (shortly before dinner). They act as an appetite suppressant and stomach tonic to prevent you from craving sweets or overeating at meals.
Tip: As a substitute for apple, try ripe pear in your fresh green-juice blends. I combine pear with ginger and leafy greens in my green juice.
đź“–From the book: Life-Changing Foods by Anthony William

Cranberries are well known for their profound antiseptic role in healing urinary tract infections and yeast infections. That power comes from cranberries’ ability to fight Streptococcus bacteria— because most of the time, chronic strep infections are behind these conditions.
Cranberries are high in the antioxidants that help heal cardiovascular disease and arteriosclerosis. They also hold phytoestrogen compounds that disarm invading estrogens from outside sources such as plastics, environmental pollutants, pesticides, and other synthetic chemicals.
Cranberries destroy these toxic hormones that are responsible for so many of women’s health conditions.
And if you’re trying to lose weight, cranberries are another of your strongest allies. Consuming a bowl of cranberries daily will suppress your appetite and help you shed those extra pounds.
You can also drink cranberry juice made of whole cranberries and water together in a blender and strained. Add maple syrup, orange juice and cinnamon to the pulp to make homemade cranberry sauce.
If you really dislike cranberries, set out a bowl of cranberries weekly in your house. Just having them out on the counter to look at will help you reap their emotional benefits as the berries’ properties enter into you metaphysically.
Tip: Even when cranberries aren’t in season, you can usually find them in the freezer section of your grocery store. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
đź“–From the book: Life-Changing Foods by Anthony William

Don’t confuse wild blueberries with their larger, cultivated cousins, which, while great for your health, don’t offer even a fraction of wild blueberries’ power.
Wild blueberries hold ancient and sacred survival information from the heavens going back tens of thousands of years.
They have adapted to every fluctuation in climate over the millennia and are miraculous in their ability to thrive in any condition.
When you eat wild blueberries, make a mindful note that they’ve been graced by God and the universe and that they are a Divine gift from above.
One hundred years from now, medical science will use the wild blueberry as the key to unlock the secrets of how to heal disease. There is not a cancer that wild blueberries cannot prevent, nor a disease known to humankind that wild blueberries cannot protect you from.
That is the power of wild blueberries.⠀⠀
đź“–From the book: Life-Changing Foods by Anthony William

These aromatic herbs possess complimentary qualities. Each has a different specialization, and when you consume them all on a regular basis (whether in diet, supplementation, or a combination), their disease-fighting phytochemical compounds & extremely high levels of broad-spectrum of minerals provide a well-rounded, powerful defense against the pathogenic world.
OREGANO: Amazing for killing off unproductive bacteria such as H. pylori, streptococcus, & E. coli, which minimizes the possibility of SIBO, peptic ulcers, strep throat, ear infections, and sinusitis. Oregano oil is an incredible antibacterial, especially for killing off the E. coli that causes diverticulitis and diverticulosis.
ROSEMARY: Another anti-bacterial, rosemary specializes in fighting antibiotic-resistant bacteria, such as those that take hold in hospitals. Bringing this herb into your diet is a game changer if you’re dealing with the sorts of bacteria (such as C. difficle and multi-drug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA).
SAGE: This herb’s nature is geared toward fighting fungus. Consuming sage is wonderful for healing fungal infections such as athlete’s food from the inside out, as well as tackling mutant strains of fungus in the intestinal tract. If you’ve been exposed to toxic mold, turn to sage to help detoxify. Also, sage helps remove toxic heavy metals from the intestinal tract.
THYME: This antiviral’s main job is to destroy viruses such as the flue, enteroviruses, norovirus, & the whole gamut of herpetic viruses that are responsible for autoimmune disease and Lyme disease. (Please refer to the chapter on Lyme in the book Medical Medium by Anthony William). Thyme’s ability to cross the blood-brain barrier makes it a secret weapon against viruses that have started to attack the brain or spinal cord, resulting in neurological conditions.
Use herbs in your cooking & essential oils for mind/body/soul.⠀⠀
đź“–From the book: Life-Changing Foods by Anthony William

In a culture that is obsessed with youth, aging and menopause can seem like a curse.
Fortunately, there are other cultures that revere getting older… because age represents experience, wisdom and value.
Here’s something to consider…
“The fleeting beauty of roses gets a lot of attention. What about when the petals drop away? It isn’t cause for melancholy, or reflection on how we’re at the mercy of time—it’s cause for celebration. That big, showy, fragrant blossom was just the invitation; the party really gets started once the rose fades and the flower’s fruit, the rose hip, begins to ripen. The same is true of people. Getting older isn’t a reason to mourn— our younger years are just the beginning. As we age and our experience grows, we gain our real value: fruitful wisdom that we can share and use to nourish each other. What else in your life are you writing off as an end, when really, it’s a beginning?” ~ Anthony WilliamÂ
Did you know that the vitamin C in rose hips is the most bioidentical, bioavailable form of vitamin C in existence and therefore the most usuable form for our bodies? And it can transform other vitamin C sources, such as fresh orange juice, when taken together.
Enjoy a cup of rose hips tea and bring the nourishing and spiritual lesson of rose hips into your life. Adding raw honey will make the vitamin C content highly active.â €
đź“–From the book: Life-Changing Foods by Anthony William

While we often think of a glass of warm milk as the go-to sleep aid, it’s not a magical remedy. In reality, the combination of fat plus lactose (a form of sugar) in the milk stresses the pancreas, triggering insulin resistance, which in turn causes a false sense of sleepiness.
The real miracle sleep aid is mango.
When you eat mango before bed, phytochemicals from the fruit, along with amino acids such as glycine, glutamine, and cysteine combined with fructose and glucose, travel to the brain and quickly restore depleted neurotransmitters. This allows most insomniacs a chance to finally get some true rest during the night.
Mango is an amazing exercise food, because it provides your muscles with traces of sodium, preciously needed glucose, and magnesium, which translates to longer, harder workouts while feeling less of “the burn.”
For a longer-lasting workout and better recovery, have mango before any type of exercise.
Mangoes are also beneficial for a whole slew of other aspects of health. Wonderful for stress assistance and viral protection, mangoes are also rich in beta-carotene to strengthen and support the skin; they even help prevent all varieties of skin cancer.
For noticeable results, eat two mangoes a day.
My suggestion: eat fresh mango drizzled with some raw honey or have frozen mango in a smoothie with banana and fresh-squeezed orange juice. Delicious.â €
đź“–From the book: Life-Changing Foods by Anthony William

Berries are a saving grace. Their main power comes from antioxidants. Antioxidants mean life, while oxidation means death. We need these antioxidants to fight the aging (oxidation) process, and to stay alive in the face of constant threats to our health.
An excellent source of iron, magnesium, selenium, zinc, molybdenum, potassium, chromium, and calcium, berries also have traces of omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9 fatty acids.
Plus, they have hidden compounds that stop excess adrenaline from causing damage to organs. This makes blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, elderberries, schisandra berries and the like critical for life on earth. (I’ll share the healing and life-changing benefits of cranberries and wild blueberries on another post).
Berry picking is an unmatchable grounding technique.
Plucking blueberries from a bush or raspberries from a thorny cane, concentrating on selecting only the ripe ones and not getting pricked, forces you to be present. It’s a sacred state of being that both connects us to our ancestors and brings us into unity with the singing birds and rustling leaves of the here and now.
Eating berries on a sunny day increases adrenal strength and helps balance blood sugar. Eating berries on a cloudy day increases cleansing of the liver and helps break it out of sluggishness.
Grazing between meals with some handfuls of berries can raise your body’s frequency to bring you to a more positive, peaceful state.
Suggestion: Eat a bowl of berries drizzled with raw honey for added benefits. â €
đź“–From the book: Life-Changing Foods by Anthony William

In women’s health, the ovaries get a lot of attention for producing the reproductive hormones. In truth, the adrenal glands share the job equally of producing estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone in women.
Low hormone tests results often mean that the adrenals are either overactive (and therefore the excess adrenaline’s corrosive nature is interfering with accurate readings) or underactive (and therefore not keeping up with production of sex hormones).
The only way you can get an accurate reading from a hormone test of how the reproductive organs are doing is if the adrenals are perfectly healthy and balanced.
So many women in their 20s and 30s are being told they’ve entered perimenopause, when the real cause of their suffering is adrenal fatigue.
In countless cases where a woman’s reproductive system is considered the problem, it’s really the adrenals that need help— which is where nettle leaf comes in.
This anti-radiation wild food is amazing for pampering the adrenal glands and other members of the endocrine system that are overburdened, overworked and overfatigued.
And since the ovaries are part of the endocrine system, nettle is a win-win— it helps address multiple sources of hormone disruption at once.
Plus, nettle is a potent pain reliever that enhances our ability to thrive.
Suggestion: Nettle tea with mint and ginger
~2 TBSP nettle leaf, 2 TBSP minced fresh mint, and 2 TBSP grated ginger. Alternatively, use a tea bag of each in the same cup.
While you’re not likely to find nettle leaf listed elsewhere as an adaptogenic herb, it is a star adaptogen, ideal for supporting our bodies through periods of stress.
Nettle’s adaptogenic qualities help us get in touch with our intuition. As you sip this invigorating tea, reflect on your intuitive abilities— how they’ve served you in the past and what they’re telling you right now.â €
đź“–From the book: Life-Changing Foods by Anthony William

Papaya is the number-one fruit for digestibility.
Each papaya contains more than 500 undiscovered powerful digestive enzymes that support the pancreas, aid digestion, and mend the walls of the intestinal tract, reducing inflammation and preventing scar tissue from forming there. If you’re struggling with any kind of stomach or intestinal disorder, papayas will be your ally in healing the irritated nerve endings that contribute to these ailments.
Whenever someone has gone through a period of not eating, whether from fasting, anorexia, or grave illness, blended papaya is like magic for the refeeding process, because it offers ample calories, optimal nutrition, and digests so favorably.
For the ultimate in gut-health repair, drink a tonic of papaya blended with celery juice.
Papayas can reverse colitis, Crohn’s, IBS, ulcers, diverticulitis, gastritis, gastric spasms, liver disease, and pancreatitis. They also kill of H. pylori, C. difficle, and E. coli, plus rid the gut of other unfriendly bacteria and parasites.
Papaya is an ideal food if you’re dealing with SIBO.
If you need help relieving constipation, eat half a papaya daily.
Papaya is also a miracle worker for the skin. This fruit has anti-wrinkle, fountain-of-youth powers due to its high content of vitamins, minerals, and most important, carotenoids. Not only can it help your skin glow again, it can also clear up eczema, psoriasis, and acne.
Tip: Look for the Mexican and Central American papaya variety known as Maradol. These medium-to-large papayas are preferable to Hawaiian varieties, which have suffered GMO contamination.
đź“–From the book: Life-Changing Foods by Anthony William

Licorice root is a savior. It is the most important herb of today’s world, the camel to carry you through the desert of chronic illness.
Why is licorice so critical? Because it is the ultimate weapon against the viral explosion.
Herpetic viruses (including Epstein-Barr, HHV-6, and shingles) are so often behind mystery illnesses such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, Lyme disease, and adrenal fatigue, to name a few. As well as symptoms such as vertigo, dizziness, body aches and pains, and nerve pains in the jaw, neck and shoulder. Not to mention conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis that are labeled “autoimmune.”
The body does not attack itself. Strains and mutations of these herpes viruses do. Which is why we need a potent antiviral on our side.
That essential antiviral is licorice root.
And it happens to be the most important adrenal restorative we have today. Popular herbs such as Rhodiola, holy basil, ginseng, and even ashwagandha don’t do a fraction of what licorice root does for the endocrine glands.
These other herbs are useful because they support the adrenals where they, so if you have underactive adrenals, the herbs keep them from dropping even lower.
Licorice root, on the other hand, acts like a battery charger for the adrenals: it brings them out of a fatigued state and increases their capacity to function to your advantage.
TIP: Use licorice root as an herbal tea or as an alcohol-free tincture. Taken first thing in the morning, it can be an incredible energy booster.
đź“–From the book: Life-Changing Foods by Anthony William

Never underestimate the power of an apple.
This fruit’s anti-inflammatory properties make it a top pick when you’re faced with practically any illness.
This fruit helps cleanse and purify the organs, improve circulation in your lymphatic system, repair damaged skin, and regulate blood sugar.
Apples are the ultimate colon cleanser.
As the pectin from an apple moves through your gut, it collects and rids your body of microbes such as bacteria, viruses, yeast, and mold. It also gathers and expels putrefied, impacted protein and debris that’s been hiding out in intestinal pockets and feeding colonies of harmful bacteria therefore making it an excellent antiproliferative for healing SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) and other digestive disorders.
Apples are also hydrating on a deep, cellular level.
They provide precious trace minerals such as manganese and molybdenum, as well as electrolytes and critical mineral salts that help the body rehydrate after exercise or stress of any kind.
Apples also have traces of flavonoids, rutin, and quercidin— phytochemicals that are responsible for heavy metal and radiation detoxification— as well as amino acids glutamine and serine, which help detoxify the brain of MSG.
Try eating 3 apples a day. If you commit to this routine, you could see your health improve in unexpected ways.
đź“–From the book: Life-Changing Foods by Anthony William
Healing Foods

Coconut enhances the power of anything it touches! When combined with any healing food, coconut gets in touch with those benefits and supercharges them.
For example, if you add coconut water to a smoothie with parsley, that coconut water increases the parsley’s ability to remove unproductive acids from your body by 50 percent and dramatically improves the effects of parsley’s already beneficial trace minerals.
Or if you add coconut meat to a salad, everything else in the salad— cucumbers, lettuce, tomato, spinach, anything that has healing properties— becomes more nutritious and life-changing.
When coconut drops from the stomach into the intestinal tract, it kills off any pathogen it touches. Plus, its medium-chain fatty acids break loose other fats and aid in pushing them out of the body.
Coconut water provides vital glucose and critical mineral salts, including potassium and sodium, to the bloodstream. This is a fundamental component of our neurotransmitter chemical production. If we don’t get the neurotransmitter chemicals we need, it can lead to insomnia, neurological sleep apnea, & other sleep disturbances.
Coconut in the evening is ideal for those who have trouble sleeping during a full moon. The coconut provides extra mineral salts and electrolytes for your neurotransmitters and electrical impulses; this helps defend you from the full moon’s subtle gravitational pull.
For those who struggle with infertility or other disorders of the reproductive system, take note that coconut water’s trace minerals and electrolytes nourish your reproductive tissue.
đź“–From the book: Life-Changing Foods by Anthony WilliamÂ

Ginger is one of the most important tools for giving ourselves respite from a reactive state. When you’ve been going a mile and minute from morning until night and you finally start to check out mentally and emotionally, the physical body often stays reactive, in a heightened, spasmodic state.
This is how stress-related illnesses such as adrenal fatigue, acid reflux, sleep apnea, spastic bladder, insomnia, digestive issues such as spastic colon and gastritis, and chronic muscle pain can get kicked up.
It also relieves tension headaches and flush excess lactic acid from muscle tissue into the bloodstream and out of the body— because it’s not just strenuous exercise that causes the release of lactic acid; stress does, too.
If you sit at a desk all day with stress pumping lactic acid through your muscles, it needs a way out, since you’re not moving around to keep it flowing on its normal path.
Ginger is the ultimate anti-spasmodic. A cup of ginger tea can calm an upset stomach and relax any other areas of tension for up to 12 hours. Rather than acting as a nerve tonic, it acts as a tonic for the organs and muscles, telling the body that it can let go, that everything is under control.
Ginger’s anti-spasmodic properties come from its more than 60 trace minerals, well over 30 amino acids and more than 500 enzymes and coenzymes all working together to calm reactivity.
And as an anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-parasitic, ginger deserves all the accolades it gets for promoting a healthy immune system.
đź“–From the book: Life-Changing Foods by Anthony William

Lemons and limes are ultra-hydrating and electrolyte-producing because they are a top source of mineral salts and trace mineral salts. Traces of bioavailable sodium in lemons and limes are a driving force in the value they offer our bodies.
When it comes to detoxifying your body, it’s a good idea to drink lemon or lime water first thing in the morning to flush out the gunk your liver has drawn out of your cells and tissues overnight.
Lemon or lime water is more beneficial for this process than plain water because filtration has often taken the life out of drinking water, and these citrus stars reawaken its healing abilities.
In addition, these citrus siblings have some of the most highly absorbable vitamin C around. And if you’re concerned about getting enough calcium in your diet, fresh squeezed lemon or lime offers bioactive calcium that your body craves.
Phytochemicals called limonoids in lemons and limes actually bond the vitamin C and calcium together, so that wherever one goes in the body, the other rides along.
This enhances the bioavailability of each, and also creates alkalinity in the body to help prevent the growth of almost every type of cancer. And when you’re dealing with a cold, flu, bronchitis, or pneumonia, lemon is one of the most effective mucus expellers you can find.
Contrary to popular belief, lemon and lime juice is excellent for oral health. Dilute the juice with some water to make the best antibacterial mouthwash and gum cleanser.
If you have trouble sleeping, a cup of warm water with raw honey and lemon or lime juice squeezed into it can calm busy electrical impulses and neurotransmitters, and aid in a restful sleep.
đź“–From the book: Life-Changing Foods by Anthony WilliamÂ

Red clover is the most powerful herb of all to support the lymphatic system and cleanse lymph fluid, and it can be effective for addressing any type of cancer.
When you’re seeking purification, try a cup of red clover tea in the evening. The herb’s healing, cleansing properties will work overnight to find and discharge poisons from your system, making them readily available for your liver to process in the wee hours of the morning.
Red clover also has an energizing effect, making it a stellar herb for someone who’s feeling exhausted, fatigued, or depleted.
When you wake in want of a fresh beginning, try red clover chamomile tea.
Combine 2 TBSP red clover blossoms and 1 TBSP chamomile flowers and ÂĽ tsp of lavender flowers. Combine the flowers and use 1 tsp of the blend per cup of hot water. Steep for 5 minutes. Alternatively, use 1 teabag of each ingredient and steep together.
Emotional Support…
Red clover is for people who live in the past, almost to their own detriment. When you find yourself trying to relive long-ago days because you’re nostalgic for feelings of happiness and contentment you felt back then, turn to red clover.
This herb helps bring these sustaining emotions into the present, so that you can feel joy and satisfaction in your current life.
đź“–From the book: Life-Changing Foods by Anthony WilliamÂ

Grapes should not be misunderstood as being too high in carbs, sugar, or calories to be good for us. It’s just the opposite. Like bananas, grapes are a first-rate fruit that promotes wellness of the highest level.
And grapes are less sweet than we think; they are more defined by tartness, which is a key medicinal quality. That sourness indicates the presence of phytochemicals critical to kidney function.
If you’ve ever heard that you have elevated creatinine levels, this means your kidneys have become compromised in their ability to remove and excrete waste products from the bloodstream. Grapes are the ultimate kidney tonic— their phytochemicals bind onto waste that the kidneys have trouble filtering.
When it comes to liver health, like cherries, grapes are an amazing liver-cleansing food. Their phytochemicals are able to dislodge debris, processed food, and by-products that can clog up lobules in the liver.
Did you know that antioxidants such as malvidin and other anthocyanins from the grape’s blue, black, dark red and purple shades give grapes the power to help fight and prevent most types of cancer?
Finally, grapes are an outstanding energy food. They offer a critical boost, whether you’re an athlete, constantly on the go, or you’re a thinker— that is, engaging your brain all day with cognitive tasks (and multitasking), trying to excel at a given project, or in need of fuel to come up with the next big idea.
Spiritual lesson from grapes…
When you feel isolated (and we certainly feel that now), make grapes a part of your life. Remember, grapes are bunched together. As each cluster grows on the vine, the little globes stay close to each other, connecting on both a physical and metaphysical level. Each grape adjusts to fit perfectly into place with those around it.
Focus on this wonder when you select and eat grapes. It will create a sacred intention, prepare you consciously and sub-consciously to find your people, and point you towards your true home.
đź“–From the book: Life-Changing Foods by Anthony WilliamÂ

Melons are so critical to the healing process that when someone is struggling with a health condition and can’t get better, the outcome may very well hinge on whether or not melon is part of her or his diet.
Watermelon, honeydew, cantaloupe, crenshaw, canary, Santa Claus, galia, charentais, casaba— they are all keys to the palace of health.
Ask yourself how many melons you’ve consumed in the past year. For most people, the answer is that over the past 12 months, they’ve eaten only one melon in total, if that. This is a major loss. Why? Because melons are made just for us by God and the Earthly Mother.
Eating melon is like getting intravenous nutrient therapy.Â
On every level, including biochemically, melon is exactly what our bodies need. Melons are essentially balls of purified water. This highly active fluid binds onto poisons of all kinds in the body, including mold, mycotoxins, viral neurotoxins, undigested protein toxins, ammonia gas, and bacterial toxins, flushing them out to allow the immune system to restore itself.
Melon is one of the most alkalizing foods.
Melon is also one of the most powerful glucose balancers, working to prevent insulin resistance and lower elevated A1C levels.
Emotional support…
If you are easily frightened, having a difficult time bearing bad news, or dealing with a heavy load due to emotional sensitivities or PTSD, melons can come to your aid by shifting you out of any nervousness, skittishness, anxiety or uneasiness.
đź“–From the book: Life-Changing Foods by Anthony WilliamÂ

Lemon balm, also known as Melissa because of its botanical name Melissa officinalis, is an essential herb for calming the nerves— in particular, those involved in digestion.
Many people suffer from various sensitivities in the gut, with complicated and confusing misdiagnoses involved. What’s often behind these problems are nerve endings that have become hypersensitive around the digestive organs.
Nerves play a role in much of the digestive distress we experience in this day and age. Lemon balm is a heal-all, with a high contribution factor to almost every part of the body.
Anti-parasitic, anti-viral, and anti-bacterial throughout the body, lemon balm fights the Epstein-Barr virus, shingles, and other herpetic viruses such as HHV-6.
It’s an amazing herb for tonsillitis, which is inflammation caused by strep bacteria. Plus, lemon balm detoxifies the liver, spleen, and kidneys, and helps reduce bladder inflammation, which makes it a star for alleviating interstitial cystitis and urinary tract infections (UTIs).
Emotional support…
Stress and insecurities often cause us to feel fearful about what’s around the bend. We find ourselves lying in bed at night, wondering what will happen to us and our families.
If you’re worried about what the future holds for yourself and others, lemon balm can take the worry away and replace it with a sense of peace.
Lemon balm is a gift from God and Mother Nature to deal with our frazzling world. This makes lemon balm a valuable herb for stress assistance.
Tip: lemon balm can be taken in the form of a tea or an herbal tincture (alcohol-free from
đź“–From the book: Life-Changing Foods by Anthony WilliamÂ

If you’re seeking answers for brain and gut health, look no further than the fig.
Figs have unique phytochemicals that are bonded to minerals such as bioavailable potassium and sodium that specifically nourish and build neurotransmitters while also supporting neurons and synapses in the brain.
It’s a powerful fruit for preventing Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, dementia, and other neurological diseases, including ALS.Â
On the intestinal side, figs are, like dates, one of the most effective bowel cleansing foods on the planet.
The skins feed good gut bacteria and are also antiseptic, killing unproductive gut bacteria, parasites, mold, and toxic heavy metals, while the seeds get into intestinal crevices and destroy disease-causing bacteria, viruses, and fungus that hide in those pockets. ⠀⠀
The fruit’s pulp and fiber massage the intestinal lining and build up the digestive immune system to help you stop struggling with stomach pain and bloating.
Figs are effective in alleviating all types of gut problems, including diverticulitis, appendix inflammation, constipation, inflamed colon, and complications from C. difficle.
The next time you’re dealing with any health issue, think of figs as your secret weapon.
Munching on a celery stick with each fig you eat is a perfect nutritional combination.
When eating a fig, imagine the tree it came from standing in front of you. This will amplify its healing, grounding power.
đź“–From the book: Life-Changing Foods by Anthony WilliamÂ

Avocado is the mother fruit. Avocados are the closest food on the planet to breast milk. In addition to the ways avocados help our bodies, they fill us spiritually with nurturing.
When you are suffering from digestive disorders of any kind, avocados can come to the rescue. Easy to digest, their creamy flesh is the ultimate gut soother for those with food sensitivities, Crohn’s disease, colitis, or IBS.
Avocados possess anti-inflammatory compounds that have an aspirin-like quality without thinning the blood; this reduces narrowing and swelling of the digestive tract.
Eating avocados also has an anti-aging effect on the skin, reducing dryness, giving you a healthy glow, and contributing to the disappearance of dark under-eye circles.
They also contain anti-radiation agents that are phytoestrogenic, meaning that they can stop estrogen-related reproductive and colon cancers.
For noticeable benefits, eat one avocado a day. Â
đź“–From the book: Life-Changing Foods by Anthony WilliamÂ

While inflammation has been pinpointed as a part of persistent illness, what has yet to be discovered by medical research is the real story about why this inflammation is present in the first place.
So often the viral explosion in our modern world is to blame.
To get rid of this widespread inflammation and the other debilitating symptoms of chronic illness, we have to get rid of the pathogens.
Enter cat’s claw.
Cat’s claw can aid in alleviating almost any symptom, from neurological to digestive. The world would be a different place if cat’s claw took the place of antibiotics; the rate of illness would reduce, and recovery would quicken, regardless of the diagnosis for a given illness.
Cat’s claw is also remarkable for its ability to rid the body of infamous strep, which is frequently misdiagnosed as yeast or Candida. Millions of women go on antibiotics and antifungals that only end up making problems worse, because the Streptococcus bacteria that causes urinary tract infections is so often antibiotic-resistant.
Cat’s claw lowers strep without issue, making it the ultimate UTI-alleviating herb and fundamental tool of our time.
(Note: if you are pregnant or trying to conceive, please don’t use cat’s claw)
In addition, cat’s claw tincture (non-alcohol based) or tea is a wonderful tool to protect your immunity.
And regardless of what health issue you use cat’s claw to address, take the tea or tincture in the evening when its healing properties work most efficiently.Â
đź“–From the book: Life-Changing Foods by Anthony WilliamÂ

Dates are amazing for the digestive system.
As one of the most anti-parasitical foods on the planet, dates bind onto, destroy, and sweep away parasites: yeast, mold, and other fungus; heavy metals; unproductive bacteria; viruses; and other poisonous pathogens in the gut.
Dates also help restore peristaltic function of the intestines, retraining the intestinal tract after paralysis or dysfunction to mover properly and expel any rotting food. (amazing for chronic constipation sufferers)
For those of you who like to exercise, dates’ high potassium and fruit sugar content is perfect for refueling the brain and muscles, which rely on glucose to power you through exercise. (not protein)
Dates are rich in nearly 70 bioactive minerals that support the adrenal glands to help you handle life’s daily challenges.
If you’re in need of a better night’s sleep, eat one date 2 hours before you retire for bed.
Not only are dates delicious, but they have abundant anti-cancerous properties, making them a must for anyone seeking disease prevention and optimal health.
Tip: When you’re packing for a trip that involves uncertainty about when, where, or how you’ll find food along the way, seal one date in plastic wrap and stow it in your pocket or baggage.
You don’t have to actually eat the date on your journey (although it’s great for an emergency)— rather, this traveling date will be your good luck charm to help ensure you never go hungry.Â
đź“–From the book: Life-Changing Foods by Anthony WilliamÂ

Cilantro, also called coriander and Chinese parsley, is the go-to herb for heavy metal detoxification.
When a person has an aversion to cilantro and receives an abrupt, harsh flavor from the herb, it means that she or he has a higher oxidative rate of heavy metals in their system.
This doesn’t mean the person possesses a higher level of toxic metals. Rather, the heavy metals (in this case, usually a combination of aluminum, nickel, and/or copper, at whatever level) in her or his body are corroding rapidly.
Basically, if someone dislikes cilantro, there’s a good chance she or he really needs it.
Note: google Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie Medical Medium for a delicious way to incorporate cilantro and other helpful ingredients to remove toxic heavy metals.
Cilantro is also anti-viral. It helps keep down levels of the Epstein-Barr virus, shingles, HHV-6, cytomegalovirus (CMV), and other herpetic viruses in all their various forms, as well as HIV.
For any chronic or mystery illness, whether diagnosed, misdiagnosed, or undiagnosed, cilantro is a must-have.
For emotional support…
When you find yourself getting easily flustered, a little dizzy when faced with life’s choices, perplexed about your life’s purpose or about how someone in your life is behaving, turn to cilantro.
This potent herb brings clarity, so that you can find your path and head in the right direction without getting distracted by other options or others’ behavior.
đź“–From the book: Life-Changing Foods by Anthony WilliamÂ

When it comes to balancing a woman’s reproductive organs, raspberry leaf can’t be beat. It is the ideal reproductive system reorganizer and protector.
Raspberry leaf is also an overall hormonal balancer— for example, it supports adrenal gland production of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, and it feeds the thyroid gland with critical nutrients for replenishment.
Raspberry leaf supports the entire endocrine system in hormone output.
It is also amazing for those with iron deficiencies.
Raspberry leaf is also beneficial for men, mostly as a blood cleanser and overall detoxifier. For anybody, raspberry leaf is an all-purpose anti-inflammatory, specifically for the organs and glands.
For the most profound effect of restoring the reproductive system and balancing hormones, make a tea with raspberry and nettle leaf together. (I’ll share the benefits of nettle leaf in another post)
Drink extra raspberry leaf tea during the full moon. This enhances its potency, because raspberry plants grow 25 percent more on full moons— and the dried leaf is still connected to these rhythms from its days attached to the cane.
For the person seeking comfort, serenity, compassion, consolation, warmth, affection, and a touch of admiration thrown in for good measure, raspberry leaf is an amazing herb. Use it for self-soothing, or offer it to a friend in need.Â
đź“–From the book: Life-Changing Foods by Anthony WilliamÂ

Celery is one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory foods, because it starves unproductive bacteria, yeast mold, fungus, and viruses that are present in the body and flushes toxins and debris out of the intestinal tract and liver. Pathogens like these are so often the underlying cause of inflammation— in their absence, your body is much better able to handle whatever life throws your way. At the same time, celery helps good bacteria thrive.
Consuming celery is the most powerful way to alkalize the gut. That’s in part because celery (which is technically an herb, not a vegetable) is high in bioactive sodium. It contains cofactor micro trace mineral salts as yet undiscovered in research. These are varieties of sodium and other trace minerals that are present in celery and work symbiotically and systematically with each other and with celery’s regular sodium to raise your body’s pH and rid toxic acids from every crevice of your body, including your gut. This process is ideal to cleanse and repair intestinal linings.
Celery improves kidney function, helps restore the adrenals, and can even bring ease to one’s mind and thought patterns, with its mineral salts feeding electrical impulse activity and supporting neuron function, which is key if you suffer with ADHD, brain fog, or memory loss.
When it comes to celery, think electrolytes. It hydrates on a deep cellular level, lessening your chances of suffering from migraines. Celery is ideal to address each of the Unforgiving Four factors… radiation, toxic heavy metals, the viral explosion, and DDT… plus it offers stress assistance and also repairs your DNA.
Celery juice is one of the greatest healing tonics of all time.
For the full effect, drink a full 16 ounces of fresh celery juice daily— and make sure it’s on an empty stomach to raise hydrochloric acid levels most efficiently.
đź“–From the book: Life-Changing Foods by Anthony WilliamÂ

đź“–From the book: Life-Changing Foods by Anthony WilliamÂ

Dandelions come up in the early spring, just when our bodies are due for a spring cleaning. When consumed, the dandelion’s defining characteristic is bitterness, and this is the very feature that lends it restorative properties.
Dandelions shake you out of hibernation, getting your blood pumping and your organs cleaning house from radiation, toxic heavy metals, DDT, and other poisons.
Every part of the plant can be used:
The flowers cleanse the stomach and intestinal tract, gallbladder, bladder, lungs, uterus, and heart.
The leaves purify blood and also help bring it to hard-to-reach places, so the leaves are a must for circulatory issues such as poor circulation. The leaves also squeeze toxins out of the lymphatic system, making them ideal for addressing non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, swollen lymph nodes, and edema (swelling).
The stems cleanse the spleen, liver and brain by pushing out bile that’s no longer useful.
The dandelion root detoxifies those organs even deeper by forcing them to purge on the deepest level for an intensified purification.
When it comes to detoxing, dandelion root is not for the faint of heart. However, along with the ability to cleanse, it leaves behind vital nutrients such as vitamin A, B vitamins, manganese, iodine, calcium, iron, magnesium, selenium, silica, and chlorophyll that give you energy and help your body stave off disease.
Dandelion is a preventative for virtually any illness, and is especially great for prostate.
đź“–From the book: Life-Changing Foods by Anthony WilliamÂ

Oranges and tangerines are full of the coenzyme glutathione, which goes into activation because of their high content of flavonoids and limonoids. This is a relationship medical research has not yet tapped into, and one that makes oranges and tangerines a key to healing the 21st century epidemic of chronic illness.
Together, glutathione, flavonoids, and limonoids fight off viruses, protect the body from radiation damage, and deactivate toxic heavy metals in the system.
Oranges and tangerines are also abundant in a form of bioactive calcium you can’t get anywhere else. The body instantly absorbs this calcium, which means that these citrus beauties actually help regrow teeth, not destroy them (dentists warn that the acid is bad for tooth enamel). Their acid content is not destructive; rather, it works for you by dissolving kidney stones and gallstones.
It’s time to appreciate oranges’ and tangerines’ true value.
These citrus fruits are life-giving, and they should be a foundation in the diet. For optimum realization of the benefits of oranges and tangerines, consume four per day. If you juice them, try to consume within 30 minutes so as not to lose much of the vitamin C that they contain.
Emotional support…
The juice of an orange or tangerine is like liquid sunshine. If you often feel sad, weepy, glum, or down, oranges cut through the gloom and shine a light on your life. They are the perfect food to eat when you feel sun-deprived and lonely, as though there’s an empty void that needs to be filled. Oranges take out all the chill and fill you with warmth instead.Â
đź“–From the book: Life-Changing Foods by Anthony WilliamÂ
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