I believe that women have been set up to fail. This is not some wild conspiracy but a fact that can be easily seen in the world today. Women have been sold a bunch of lies about what success and happiness really is.
My name is Stephanie. I’m 55 years old, married for 32 of those, and the mother of two boys who are 21 and 26. I’m happy and healthy and living my best life.
I’m not a doctor, a psychiatrist or a sex therapist. I’m simply a woman who has taken an intense interest in learning everything I can about health, sensuality, sexuality and relationships. And also about the reality around me.
What I’ve learned is that we live in a world that doesn’t teach us the things we need to know to live a happy, healthy and fulfilling life. In fact, we learn the opposite. And then we struggle and blame ourselves!
I created my website and my online course as a means of sharing the information I’ve learned with as many women as possible. Why? Because you don’t know what you don’t know.
I’m here to wake you up… if you’re ready… and show you how to live life on your own terms, based on what’s important to you and to stop caring what others think. There’s a confident, capable and divinely feminine woman inside you just waiting to come out. Let’s begin, shall we?
Mission Statement
It’s my mission to bring pleasure and happiness into your life. I want to encourage you to reclaim and embrace your sexuality. Your sexual energy is your life force. It is the erotic source in every woman. When you tap into this, you will become the woman you want to be. The woman you are meant to be. The woman you deserve to be.
I’m here to help YOU improve your health, your libido and increase your pleasure and sexual enjoyment. Not everyone has the time or inclination to research health and sex as I have, but there’s so much that we women don’t know and that is kept from us. I’m here to save you time and energy and give you all the juicy details!
It’s my deepest desire for you to step into your radiance. I want you to be happy, to live with passion, to be fulfilled, and to have vitality and an incredible sex life. I want you to feel sensual. To experience pleasure. To be able to express your desires and live your dreams. I know this is possible for you because it’s your birthright.
Your sexuality begins with you. Reconnect with it and a whole new world will open up to you.